
  Open Your World

  openMind 2nd Edition builds on the success of the first edition of this American English young adult and adult course, providing learners with professional, academic and personal skills. Language skills are systematically developed in the course alongside the 21st century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career.

  Part of The Mind Series, incorporating masterMind, the course offers a flexible combination of materials to ensure that students are learning from a variety of sources: content-rich reading texts, speaking and writing workshops, high-quality video, self-study Online Workbooks, and projectable Student's Books.


  The openMind 2nd edition Print Workbook pack consolidates and builds on the language and topics taught in the Student's Book. The Workbook is perfect for recycling language, reinforcing material already learnt and providing extra activities. The accompanying audio CD contains all the listening exercises used in the Workbook. This is a 'With' Key version.


  •Print Workbook consolidates material from the Student’s Book
  •Audio CD contains all the listening exercises used in the Workbook
  •This is a ‘With’ Key version, including all the answers for the exercises within the Workbook


  • ISBN:9780230459854
  • 規格:平裝 / 88頁 / 普通級 / 雙色印刷 / 2版
  • 出版地:台灣
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進入4月份,安兔兔近日公布了2020年3月份的Android、iOS設備好評榜單,新發布的Redmi K30 Pro和歷久彌新的iPhone SE分別拿下第一名。 Android手機好評榜的選擇對象都是京東在售機型,因為一些老手機雖然仍然備受好評,但已經退市,參考價值不大。 ... 這次上榜的大部分都是5G機型,一個新的時代已然到來,其中Redmi K30 Pro的好評率達到了97.31%,畢竟2999元就能買到頂級的驍龍865 5G手機,還要什麼自行車?就算沒有90Hz高刷新率也無所謂了。 華為Mate 30 5G 97.23%的好評率緊隨其後,而三星Galaxy Note 10+ 5G寶刀不老,好評率依然高達96.73%,之後的華為nova 6、realme X50 Pro 5G、vivo NEX 3 5G等同樣好評如潮。 在這些機型中,realme X50 Pro 5G、OPPO Find X2 Pro都是3月份才剛剛發布的最新款5G旗艦手機,前者在滿足了所有旗艦機標配的情況下起售價做到了3599元,性價比十分突出,後者則做到了目前手機螢幕上的最頂級高度,還有DXO排名第二的拍照系統。 4月份還將見到一加8、魅族17、OPPO Ace等新機登場,從目前曝光的情況看都有望登榜,而在未來,不是5G手機很難入用戶的法眼了。 ... iOS陣營方面和前幾個月幾乎沒有任何,iPhone SE 97.87%好評率穩居第一,可見大家對於小屏旗艦是多麼的鐘情,接下來的iPhone 9(或者叫iPhone SE 2、iPhone SE 2020)也是萬眾期待。 iPad Pro 2 10.5英寸款排名第二,A10X處理器加iPadOS系統,用來玩遊戲可能會吃力一些,但生產力方面毫無問題。 iPhone 6S Plus也堪稱釘子戶了,好評率仍有97.25%,絕對一代經典。 新機中只要iPhone 11 Pro勉強排第九,iPhone X系列更是不見蹤影,也反映了近幾年iPhone的不受待見。 ...










壹讀 https://read01.com/KDgNBLR.html

博客來 https://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/888words/products/0010657616




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